course information

As a full-service dive center Scuba Dive It provides state-of-the-art hands-on training in CPR, AED, standard first-aid and advanced first-aid including oxygen administration. We offer CPR, AED and first-aid training classes geared to all levels of first responders including family members, workplace first responder’s, coaches and caregivers all the way up through Rescue Divers, Divemasters and Scuba Instructors.

These classes are hands-on performance-based courses for individuals with a duty to respond and provide care in an emergency. Emergency First Response CPR, AED and first-aid training meets all regulatory requirements for first responders in the United States, Central America, South America, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Asia and Europe.

All courses are broken up into two sections.

Section 1: home study During the home study portion of your course, you will watch the appropriate course videos and complete any knowledge reviews in the student participation manual in preparation for your hands-on classroom session.

Section 2: hands-on training During the hands-on training portion of your class, your instructor will guide you through and have you practice all of the skills that you have learned in the home study portion of your class. Practicing your skills under supervision will give you the confidence and knowledge that you will be prepared to respond appropriately in the unlikely event you are involved in an emergency situation.

Note: courses that do not offer hands-on training (online only) in most cases do not meet regulatory standards for first responders or caregivers.

Training Prerequisites


Age Requirements

For ages 10 years and older.

Course Durations

The Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Course is typically around 6 to 8 hours.

Care for Children Course is typically around 6 to 8 hours.

Workplace CPR & AED (Adult) Course is typically around 3 to 4 hours

Workplace CPR & AED (Adult,Child,infant) Course is typically around 4 to 5 hours

The course is also performance-based and the class duration depends on the number of participants and the participant’s ability to meet the prescribed objectives. We do not like to rush class especially when it comes to first aid and safety. We want to make sure everyone fully understands the skills of the day.

Required Course Materials

Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Course

Recommended Materials: Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Participants Manual and DVD Pack

Minimum Requirements:Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care Course Manual

Emergency First Response Care for Children Course

Recommended Materials: Emergency First Response Care for Children Participants Manual and DVD Pack

Minimum Requirements: Emergency First Response Care for Children Course Manual

Emergency First Response Workplace CPR & AED Course

Recommended Materials: Emergency First Response Workplace CPR & AED Participants Manual and DVD Pack

Minimum Requirements: Emergency First Response Workplace CPR & AED Course Manual

For your course you will need the EFR (Emergency First Response) Primary secondary care course Crewpak.

Emergency First Response CPR & AED Course Participant Package Item Number: 60267. This crew pack includes a triangle bandage pack, the exam you have far CPR/AED, EFR barrier keychain with gloves.

Each student is required to purchase from us their own Emergency First Response CPR & AED Course Participant Crewpak.

Take the next steep

Click here for course schedule and availability

Emergency First Response is an internationally recognized training agency.

We Offer the Following Emergency First Response Courses.

The Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care For Adults.

This is a comprehensive CPR, AED, First Aid + Optional Oxygen Administration Course for workplace first responder’s and professionals. Primary Care (CPR) – This course teaches you the steps and techniques for handling life-threatening emergencies. You’ll practice eight skills for aiding patients who aren’t breathing, have no heartbeat, may have a spinal injury, may be in shock or who may have serious bleeding. You’ll learn to how to perform CPR and continue to monitor the patient, so that you provide every possible chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services to arrive.

Secondary Care (First Aid) – Because many medical conditions are not life-threatening and emergency medical services are sometimes delayed or unavailable, this course teaches you how to provide first aid that eases pain and reduces the risk of further harm. You’ll learn to assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting.

The Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care For Adults, Children & Infants.

This is a comprehensive CPR, AED, First Aid + Optional Oxygen Administration Course for workplace first responder’s and professionals. Primary Care (CPR) – This course teaches you the steps and techniques for handling life-threatening emergencies. You’ll practice eight skills for aiding patients who aren’t breathing, have no heartbeat, may have a spinal injury, may be in shock or who may have serious bleeding. You’ll learn to how to perform CPR and continue to monitor the patient, so that you provide every possible chance of survival while waiting for emergency medical services to arrive.

Secondary Care (First Aid) – Because many medical conditions are not life-threatening and emergency medical services are sometimes delayed or unavailable, this course teaches you how to provide first aid that eases pain and reduces the risk of further harm. You’ll learn to assess a variety of injuries and illnesses and practice bandaging and splinting.

Care for Children

The Emergency First Response Care for Children course is an innovative CPR, AED and First Aid training course that teaches participants how to provide emergency care for injured or ill children (ages one to eight) and infants less than one year old. Participants learn about the types of medical emergencies that children face, and how they differ from adults. The curriculum also includes the importance of attending to basic emergency situations with children, the emotional aspects of caring for children, secondary care for children, and preventing common injuries and illnesses in children. The course includes both primary care (CPR) and secondary care (first aid) skills. The primary care portion of the course prepares the rescuer to help an infant or child with a life-threatening emergency such as choking or cardiac arrest. Secondary care focuses on developing first aid skills and building the rescuer’s confidence to help an infant or child in need when emergency medical services are either delayed or unavailable. The Care for Children course content is based on guidelines from the Pediatric Working Group of ILCOR.

For professionals... For Foster Parents

Workplace CPR & AED (Adult)

Emergency First Response region-specific (Americas) workplace courses offer a convenient, complete and ongoing solution to meeting regional workplace compliance standards in CPR and AED training. Emergency First Response courses encompass adult CPR and incorporate Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training and emergency oxygen use. Courses are flexible in design to accommodate scheduling and training needs and can be taught together or alone in any combination. Our courses meet OSHA Guidelines 29 CFR 1910.151 compliance standards for workplace safety at the local, regional and national levels. Courses follow Guidelines 2005 for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and emergency cardio-pulmonary care standards set by the Basic Life Support (BLS) Working Group of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). New CPR & AED Course (Americas).

Workplace CPR & AED (Adult,Child,Infant)

This is the complete Workplace CPR & AED Course for adults ages 13 and older, Children and infant’s ages 0 to 12 years old. This course adds about 1.5 to 2 hours to the standard adult course and is a separate component. It encompasses one and two rescuer CPR and AED training for use on infants and children.

The course is designed to meet regional and national compliance standards for workplace safety. Course materials support flexible delivery options, including the Emergency First Response Independent Study method, the video-guided approach and the Instructor-led technique.

The importance of having the DVDs

Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care DVD:

This DVD provides clear, concise explanations and demonstrations of the important steps of emergency patient care for adults. You’ll use the video during independent study or classroom sessions to preview the skill and concepts you’ll learn during the practical hands-on skills practice session with your instructor. The video provides a visual rich overview of the concepts explained in the Emergency First Response Participant Manual and is also an excellent resource to refresh your skills after your compete the course.

Emergency First Response Care for Children DVD:

The Care for Children DVD provides clear, concise explanations and demonstrations of the important steps of emergency patient care for infants and children. You’ll use the DVD during independent study or classroom sessions to preview the skill and concepts you’ll learn during the practical hands-on skills practice session with your instructor. The DVD provides a visual rich overview of the concepts explained in the Emergency First Response Care for Children Participant Manual and is also an excellent resource to refresh your skills after your compete the course.

Emergency First Response CPR & AED Course DVD:

This 40-minute video encompasses CPR & AED techniques, and demonstrates skills in an easy-to-understand format. You’ll use this video during independent study or in classroom sessions to preview the skills you’ll learn during the hands-on practice session with your instructor. The DVD provides a visual overview of the concepts explained in the Emergency First Response CPR & AED Participant Manual and is also an excellent resource to refresh your skills after your compete the course.
